Becoming a parent can be one of the most rewarding moments in life. I should know, I have many children, and now many grandchildren.
However, whilst some women find that they can get pregnant very easily - others try for months, sometimes years, without success. After a while they begin to worry that they might not be able to conceive. Few problems are more upsetting and destructive in a healthy relationship, than fertility problems. Many women begin to feel inadequate.
This Powerful Haitian Pregnancy Spell is for couples who have tried traditional methods of conception with no success.
This Pregnancy Spell is for couples who have been trying for a baby without success. I especially recommend it to any woman who has been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), which is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age.
Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs. This spell can reverse this physical problem, as well as numerous others.
This spell can also clear any spiritual blockages that might be preventing a child from entering the physical realm. If you are under a curse, this spell should reverse that. If your unborn child does not feel safe or ready to be brought into the world, this spell will help create an environment to welcome them into existence.
This spell CANNOT reverse the effects of medical procedures or contraceptive devices. If you have had your tubes tied, this spell will not work.
If you have passed through the menopause (and therefore have no more eggs) this spell cannot give you back ability to conceive.
Neither can this spell guarantee the sex of a child, or cause pregnancy without intercourse.
Additionally, if you have been suffering from miscarriages, whilst this spell might help, it is NOT guaranteed. Please let me know if this is the case when you Place your order.
However, if your doctor says everything is fine and conceiving is just a matter of time, then this is absolutely the spell for you!
The Voodoo Pregnancy Spell has several parts.
First there is the initial casting ritual which I will perform. To do this I will need an up-to-date full length photograph, without any silly snap chat filters. I also need your month and year of birth.
After the initial casting, you need to perform a second ritual to grant the Voodoo permission to work with you. I will help you with this.
You may then need to begin taking a natural supplement, or change your diet slightly. Again I will advise you on this.
Finally, there is a weekly ritual to perform to promote healing and fertility. This builds over time and needs to be performed at least once or twice a week.
The Voodoo Fertility Spell is ancient, and powerful. It has been used for centuries to help women just like you.
So long as you agree to follow my instructions to the letter, I guarantee that your childless days will soon be over.
If you have read and accept this guarantee, then please proceed with the ordering process.
I guarantee I will cast the spell for you, and try with all my power and all my spiritual energy to make it work for you. That is my honest guarantee.
I guarantee I will cast the spell for you, and try with all my power and all my spiritual energy to make it work for you.
Dear Jean Emmanuel, Thank you for your time and your gift. By reading your response it brought tears to my eyes,even though I have not met you, I also feel your are genuine and passionate person. I have tried all different candles prayers and also sought help from a pshycic which was just in it for the money. I trust and believe in you as you have told me so much in just one email. Thank you again for your time and gift.
I want to say your spells are truly a blessing. I saw results a lot faster than expected and I am still in a state of disbelief. I am now at a place where {name removed} can't hurt me. On his end {name removed} has been more diligient and caring. We talk a lot about everything. He has patience and is becoming more vulnerable. Less guarded and in need to hide things. I may be back for a new spell to increase sexual desire for me and him. Thank you, Sharina
My Spells and Curses are very powerful. Once a spell is cast, there is no stopping it. Haitian Voodoo is serious business, and very real, so please think carefully before proceeding.
Do not order a spell if you are not 100% certain you're ready for the consequences!