When I was a young boy, everyone realised that I was different from the other boys in my school. It was not long therefore, before I unwittingly attracted the attention of the school bullies.
Those bullies beat on me twice a day, every day, for an entire year. Neither my father, nor the teachers I spoke to, did anything to stop them. They thought I was making up stories.
When I finally left that school I assumed those days were over. But I soon learnt that bullies exist in all stages of life.
Whether it’s a jealous work colleague who is trying to get you fired, or the evil neighbour across the street who dumps their trash in your yard, or the local police who won’t leave you alone, or some harlot who keeps trying to seduce your man - they are everywhere.
Is there anything that can be done to stop these people?
Yes, indeed there is.
Banishment spells are amongst the most difficult spells to cast. They require dedication, and patience, and perseverance - both from myself, but also from YOU.
There are two stages; the initial casting, and then some daily work to keep the spell alive, and double it’s strength, again and again and again.
Why is the daily work necessary?
Although the spell will start working immediately, it usually takes some weeks before any change in behaviour is evident. This is because Bullies - whatever form they come is - are usually so obsessed with their victims that when they see that their bullying tactics are no longer having any affect, they merely double their efforts! What happens then, is that the Bully’s efforts immediately increase to match the spell that has been cast.
HOWEVER, Magic - true magic - is wonderful thing. And in the case of a banishment spell, the spell can be made stronger, and stronger, with very little effort. Five minutes of simple meditation a day is all that’s required to create an invisible barrier - each day that barrier gets higher and higher, thicker and thicker, until one day your bully no longer has the mental energy to continue tormenting you. They will finally realise that they are getting no enjoyment from their bullying. And that you are not the slightest bit bothered! They will see that you are new never going to leave your job. That your boyfriend is never going to cheat on you. That everyone knows it’s their trash in your yard.
They will feel ashamed, and frustrated, and perhaps even remorseful.
They will stop. And leave you alone.
This spell cannot be used to gain competitive advantage in business, or anything similar.
Neither can it be used to avoid being caught by the authorities if you have committed a crime, or to change the mind of a jury if you are being tried for that crime.
Neither can this spell be used on behalf of someone else. If your son or daughter is being bullied, I encourage you to take direct action yourself by talking to your child’s teachers, or the other parents.
I guarantee that if, following a successful casting, you perform the daily banishment ritual exactly as described, every day, whoever is bullying you will eventually stop, and leave you alone.
Order the Banishment Spell today.
I guarantee I will cast the spell for you, and try with all my power and all my spiritual energy to make it work for you. That is my honest guarantee.
I guarantee I will cast the spell for you, and try with all my power and all my spiritual energy to make it work for you.
Dear Jean Emmanuel, Thank you for your time and your gift. By reading your response it brought tears to my eyes,even though I have not met you, I also feel your are genuine and passionate person. I have tried all different candles prayers and also sought help from a pshycic which was just in it for the money. I trust and believe in you as you have told me so much in just one email. Thank you again for your time and gift.
Thank you so much!!! I will follow every step with caution and will move on with my life.
My Spells and Curses are very powerful. Once a spell is cast, there is no stopping it. Haitian Voodoo is serious business, and very real, so please think carefully before proceeding.
Do not order a spell if you are not 100% certain you're ready for the consequences!